Aussie Clings

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Teacher's Testimonial


As a primary school teacher I love using Aussie Clings products in my classroom. The premade products make fantastic, eye catching displays for any thematic unit we might be covering.


The educational sets such as Time Teacher and Geometric Playshapes provide the children with engaging and interactive learning experiences. The children in my class have also loved using the Uncut Static Cling Sheets.


The children were able to design, make and appraise their own static cling creation during a technology challenge. Using scissors and craft punches, they created unique, creative decorations.


The children achieved such great success and enjoyment throughout this process that we also created our own xmas decorations to use alongside our Aussie Clings Simply Christmas Christmas tree. This was an ideal Christmas craft activity as the children were able to take their decoration home as a gift, to be displayed year after year on any window, mirror, whiteboard or fridge.


The positive reactions from parents and other teachers has been overwhelming. I would recommend Aussie Clings products to any teacher and I encourage teachers to use Aussie Clings Uncut Static Cling Sheets for their next craft or technology challenge.


Rebecca Adams

Literacy Support Teacher

Riverside Primary School





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